Pershore Plum Fayre 2011

On Bank Holiday Monday we were at the Pershore Plum Fayre. The five varieties of plum we took went down a storm with the large crowds which flocked to this event. It is good to see people willing and indeed wanting to try the more unusual varieties which are not found in the shops. This year our Merton Gems ( a really good eater, equal to if not better than the Victorias) and Burbanks (excellent for jam making as well as eating) were particular favourites.

Plums are now ready!!

It is proving to be an early season and there are a number of varieties which are now at their peak. We are keeping our prices the same as last year – PYO 50p lb and ready picked 80p lb so we do hope you will pay us a visit.

If the sun shines, afternoon tea in the orchard will be served, with home made jam of course! (£2.99).


The plum blossom has been excellent this year and the bees have been very busy. The frost has not been a serious problem and it looks as though there is a good set. So, here’s hoping for a good crop.
The apple blossom is still on the trees and looks lovely.

Blossom 2010

This year the plum blossom is about two weeks later than last year. The warm, still days in the middle of April encouraged the bees to fly and the white plum blossom to set quickly. Frost has affected the plum section of the orchard on a few days during “Blossom Time”, the clear mornings has had some affect on the fruit but it is too early to identify how much damage has been caused. Fruit does benefit from a small amount of frost, as it causes the remaining fruit to increase in size since there are fewer apples or plums using the trees limited resources.

The apple blossom started at the beginning of May but the cold weather has slowed the set. The pink apple blossom surrounded the edges of the orchard. When in bud the blossom appears as pink but as the apple buds open the blossom turns through pink to white. The crab apple blossom on the front of the orchard is darker pink or crimson in colour.

New website

Welcome to the new website for Walsgrove fruit farm, a family run plum and apple orchard located on the A44 3 miles north of Pershore in Worcestershire England.  The orchard concentrates on producing a wide variety of fruit which is of excellent taste, with many varieties which are not grown commercially, alongside better known crop varieties.  A full list of the fruit we have can be found here and the varieties currently available will be regularly updated here.

Nestled within the orchard is a 5 pitch caravan club site from which it is only a short trips to Worcester, Evesham, Stratford-Upon-Avon or even slightly further afield to Birmingham. More details about the site can be found here.