Fruit update 30/9/18

This will probably be the last week for plums. We still have the Cropper variety ready picked or PYO.
Apples are now plentiful, both for PYO and ready picked.

This week’s opening times –

Monday 1st October 11.30am – 6pm

Tuesday 2nd October to Friday 5th October 11am – 6pm

Saturday 6th October 9am – 5pm

We are looking forward to our apple day on Saturday October 13th when we anticipate about 50 varieties of apple to be available for you to try. We will also have our apple press in action. If you would like to bring the equivalent of up two carrier bags of your own apples and are happy to cut them up when you get here, we’d be able to juice them for you. Bring your own clean containers. Juice only lasts for three days in the fridge but I see no reason why you couldn’t freeze it.
Otherwise there’s always our juice you can taste and buy if you like it!



Fruit update 23rd September 2018

Damsons are now finished. They have been incredibly popular this year.
Plums are coming to an end but we’ll still have some for another week. The high winds have stripped some trees but others have escaped.
Apple varieties available are increasing nearly daily. Cox in particular are a good size and a very good condition this year, as are the bramleys.
We have our Macmillan Coffee Morning this coming Saturday so why not combine fruit buying with coffee and cake?
Opening times this week are slightly different from normal. They are –
Monday 11am – 6pm
Tuesday 1pm – 6pm
Wednesday to Friday 11am – 6pm
Saturday 9am – 5.30pm
Sunday 11.30am – 6pm

Fruit update 17th August 2018

We still have plenty of plums, both for PYO and ready picked. Cox and Egremont Russet are the two most recent apples being picked. Bramleys are a good size and can by bought by PYO or ready picked.
NB Our Apple Day is Saturday October 13th.
Opening times this week……
Monday – Friday 11am – 6pm
Saturday – 9am – 6pm
Sunday – 10am – 5pm

Fruit update Tuesday 11th September 2018

We still have plums but probably for only a couple more weeks. New Apple varieties are coming on daily.

NB Apple Day this year is Saturday October 13th

We are open this week 11am-6pm weekdays, Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 10-6pm.

If you’ve made cakes/jam/ drinks etc from our produce, send us a picture and next week we’ll put those received on the website.

Fruit update 2nd September

We will be open this week only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,..11am-6pm

We reopen on Tuesday 11th September.

I know it is early to think about Christmas gifts but damson gin/vodka makes a well received present. This week, a number of grandparents have been picking damsons for this purpose, knowing their adult grandchildren will appreciate it.