Apple update 19th September 2021

Some apples have produced well this year and others haven’t, including Bramleys. We’ve just started to pick Lambournes and they have cropped well.
Damsons are now getting very soft but there are still a few to pick.
Our opening times for the coming week are – Closed Monday.
Open 11.30 – 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday; 11.30 – 2.30 Thursday and Friday.

Fruit update 8th September 2021

We have very few plums left and anticipate that they will only be available for the next few days. Damsons are also coming to an end.
We have Katy apples and a few Worcesters but others should be ready for picking by next week.
We are currently not able to take payment by card.
New opening times – 11 – 4 pm each day EXCEPT Mondays when we will be closed.
Just for this week, we will be closing at 2.30 tomorrow (Thursday)